Dynamis is all about strategy and exicution. Someone will be giving instructions on where to stand, what mob to DD, what mob to nuke, what mobs to sleep, when to where to camp and when you should advance. It is VERY IMPORTANT that ppl listen to what is said because one mistake in a certain situation can cost a linkshell the win. That being said any new comer to Dynamis is encouraged to ask questions. The only stuped question is the one that isn't asked. We were all in that position at one point even vetran dynamis leaders. As for items to bring with you Mages must provide their own Echo drops, DD will provide their own food and food makes a huge diffrence. Reraise items will be provided by the linkshell reasons being 1) we don't want our mages wasting MP on dead DD when they could be healing the tank or sleeping encroaching mobs 2) it allows ppl to get up as soon as possible ,heal and get fighting again. Reraise will ONLY be allowed in Dynamis events, anyone caught abusing this item outside Dynamis or selling it on AH WILL result in imediate removal from dynamis events and all payments coming to you revoked. The reraise will be purchased with moneys made from currency sales. And it will be monitored. All people entering Dynamis event will take /Autotarget off. Before entering Dynamis a "MA" <main assist> second assist and even a third assist will be announced in linkshell chat. All DD are to make /assist macros because sometimes there are multiple mobs with the same name and its hard to pick what mob to kill so, ASSIST your current "MA". Anyone with the abillity "Provoke" must provoke sleeping mobs to take hate and stop them from killing our sleepers. inbetween killing mobs take the time to find a sleeping mob to provoke. IT DOES MAKE A DIFERANCE.
Setting your lot set::
Under lot set/points heading, list your name job access and main lot category. in dynamis anyone that hasent done so will be in limbo and unable to lot on AF, just follow my example i listed
Lotting on AF/weapons::
The lotting priority will go to 1) person with highest points in that job cartegory will get priority
2)if first person chooses to pass an AF priority will go to person with second higherst points and so on
3)if nobody wants it in that job category, the AF will now go into "does anyone want to lot on ie. WAR for full points.
4)if nobody wants for full points it will go to half point anyone with job 65+ or planning on lvling can lot this
5)finally if still nobody wants it it will go to "Free lot" note ONLY 1 WINNING free lot is allowed per Dynamis run so choose wisley.
Weapons are always free lot to anyone dont bother asking if you can lot it, take note it takes hundreds of millions of gill to complete a relic weapon.
Currency:: nobody shall lot currency except leadership consisting of Brooklyn or Silentweapon, if one happens to fall to you you must trade it to one of those people. Using the abillity "Steal" if successfull the currency is yours to keep, you do not have to trade it to leadership. Currency will be sold via, Bazaar at current market price, sale of currency will go toward: timeless hourglass, Reraise and finally profit bank which will be distributed among members according to attendence. The more you show up for a Dynamis event the higher your pay check will be, anyone under 70% attendence will not be payed, this goes to reward active members not the person that showes up once a month and expects a cut.
How you obtain points::
There is a maximum of 25 points per dynamis run.
Break down::
25 points for being on time, attending the entire run.
20 points if you show up late or leave early.
15 points if you show up late and leave early.
An entire run means , untill were kicked out NOT after we kill the mega boss as some people like to think. Most mega boss kill's equal a 30 minute time extention. Everyone is expected to stay for farming after and have the same mind set as if we were still working up to the megs boss. Most linkshell whipes happen after the boss has been defeated due to people thinking they can slack off. But it actually gets harder, the pulls are bigger and mobs are harder to kill. Once Mega boss has been defeated entire zones repop, so there still alot of fun there^^